Motherhood: my new normal

Hey Everyone! I know it’s been a little while but I have been adjusting to my new normal, Motherhood which really should be called, Who wants to work for Baby J?

The boss, Baby J

Baby J came into this world on the first day of the New Year and she has been very demanding since day one. Let me let you in on a little secret, motherhood is the hardest role I’ve ever have to fill in my entire life. No matter how many books you read or advice you get from professionals, family and friends all of that shit goes out the window when you have a living breathing human hollering at 3 am in your ear whose diaper has been changed and they’ve already been fed.

I would be lying to you if I told you the first few weeks were easy. Total opposite! I cried every day the first week I was home from the hospital because I felt like I couldn’t do anything right.

After having a C-section and being in pain for the first two weeks, I felt inadequate because I’m so independent and wasn’t comfortable having others do things for me. I questioned my womanhood because I was unable to breastfeed like I had planned to. The sleepless nights had me looking like who shot ya. Overall, I was looking for a label I could stick on baby J’s butt so I could return to sender, the hospital, a stork anybody!

But after I asked for help from my parents and expressed how I was feeling to family and friends the outpouring of support has been tremendous! My village rocks and have helped in more ways I could have possibly imagined. I forgot to mention that while I’m on maternity leave trying to bond and figure out motherhood, I’m also trying to move into my first house. And that process has also been challenging and a long time coming.

Slowly but surely I’m learning the do’s and dont’s of parenting. For example the people who say sleep when the baby sleeps. That sounds good in all but when am I suppose to wash clothes, bottles, my rear end or do anything else productive if I don’t do it when she’s sleeping? Also, people who say it gets easier as they get older. Really? As they get older they start sleeping less during the day and if your baby is like mine and likes to cuddle then you find yourself holding her to try to soothe and comfort her for longer than you planned.

But I’m not complaining because when I look at her as she’s quietly sleeping for longer than two hours, I say to myself, “I’m so in love with this little girl!” So pray for me and Baby J while we are on this journey and thank you to those who’ve encouraged me along the way.

If you would like to view a slide show below of Baby J’s birth announcement created by First day photo, click on the video below.

Until next time!

5 thoughts on “Motherhood: my new normal

  1. What a way to kick off the New Year Tisha!! Congratulations and welcome to motherhood. I totally missed your baby girls entry into the world since I’ve been clocked out of social media for a month since January 1st.

    I wanted to just come encourage you girl! Everything you are saying and going through is totally NORMAL!! With my first I cried a lot too especially when she would cry, I felt like I had no clue what I was doing when nothing seemed to help console her, but the rumors are true over time it will be easier trust me.

    Sleeping when the baby sleeps is good advice too, you just have to figure out which sleep time is the best to lay down with her. So I don’t sleep with my son during his morning naps because I have too many things to do, but those early afternoon naps?? I’m down for the count too!

    Being a mom is a major life adjustment, a challenge, intense and nerveracking but also the most exciting rewarding jobs in the world and if I’m saying that 6 kids later girl it must be true lol hang in there!


    1. Thank you so much Lilias. I’m sure you know my story as a mom of six beautiful children. The struggle is real! I do take naps every now and then when my eyes can’t stand being open anymore, lol. Being a mom has been tough but the love i have for her already outweighs all of the hard moments!


      1. And that love will continue to grow and grow, then you’ll wake up on day and she’ll be 14 like my oldest and you’ll cry because it has gone by so quickly! I’m excited for the mommy daughter moments you guys will share. Those you are going to LOVE.


  2. All mother’s have had to learn as we go. Hell im still learning. Since there is no real book to this. I can honestly say you’re doing fine. And above all. YOU GOT THIS!!! Enjoy the process she will be older and you’ll be wishing she were back to how she is now. Plus when she gets older you can send her Beaumont for a week or so. So mommy can get a break. Love y’all


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